hey and-!

oh, wait, youre not- sorry! sorry, i was expecting someone else, i didn't-

It's- fine. I did kind of sneak up on you.

oh, huh. you kind of did, actually! i didnt really think about that.

...so who are you?

Oh! Right, names. Sorry. ...Dan.

ooh ooh! waiiit! are you andres brother? i think ive heard him bring you up a few times before. im crystal! me and him have been friends for a while.

You two have? He usually doesn't hang out with people like.. you. No offense, of course! ... He just usually into the whole.. uh.. "pretty in pink".. thing.

pfff, i get it, dont worry about it! speaking of him, he SHOULD be here by now. the main reason i was here was because we had plans.

Now that sounds more like him. Well, if he's not showing up, would you mind if I.. maybe stuck around for a while? I just really need to start getting to know people better. I've been here for months and I've still barely talked to anyone, heheh.

i wouldnt mind even if andre did show up. same with me, though! i only really talked to andre because we used to play overwatch together. and, well, we still do, but you know. we can do a bit more now that we live so close to eachother!

Wait, you played Overwatch with him once? I might've been there, Andre and I used to play.. basically all of the time. I main Hanzo?

oh my god, youre the hanzo?!?! holy shit! from the night that andre nearly broke his mic!

Mhm! You actualy play a really nice D.VA.

okay, now youre just trying to be a suckup!

I swear, I'm not. I've seen a LOT of bad D.VA players. ..I also can't play her myself.

oh, i knew it! i can teach you sometime. shes a really fun character to play if you know how to play her right!

Yeah, maybe sometime.

then its a deal! im free practically anytime. maybe after my arm heals, though.

Your- Oh. I didn't even notice the bandage, honestly. ...Did Andre-

nononono, dont worry! it wasnt him. i know he seems kind of standoffish, but i promise he hasnt, like, hurt me or anything!

Jesus Christ, I know him. He's MY brother.

oh, right. sorry.

It's- yeah. I.. didn't mean for that to come off like that.

no, its fine. he is your brother! it just kind of slipped past me mentally, somehow. plus, i know, hes on the vines, hes dangerous or whatever! honestly, hes really not. hes really nice if you just take the- sorry, right, youre his brother, sorry, sorry-

He's.. nice? To you?

yeah? is this- really not that common of a thing?

I mean, shit, he hates my guts, I haven't actually SEEN him get along with a single person here yet until you came along. He must really care about you.

Wait. You know about the vines?

oh! yeah. he took me to see his garden of them once, although it was less of a garden and more of a box in the woods. but this guy.. i think his name was brutus? but either way, he came along and talked about the vines and how theyre parasitic, and.. it wasnt hard to make the connection.

...And you know that there's two kinds of them? The red and blue ones?

well, i do now! but yeah, i did already know before too. again, brutus talked about most of it!

And you're not worried about him being dangerous or trying to get you infected at all.

well, i wouldnt say im not a little worried? but i know he cares about me and trusts me, so i think ill be okay. ive never really had a friend like him before, so i really hope he doesnt try to infect me.

..Right. Well, if it works for you, all power to you! I just wouldn't think he's worth the effort.

I mean, he can be kind of be alot sometimes. If I were you, I don't think I'd be able to handle it! What, with the stress of him lashing out or trying to infect me. You know how his anger issues get, heheh.

dont you live with him?

Well- yeah?

so how are you not infected?



We JUST met. You really don't need to know that much about me and my personal life.

fuck. right! sorry, i kinda- didnt think about it like that.

..Yeah. You didn't.

yeah. i didnt. sorry.



its getting kind of late. im probably gonna go home, since- i dont think andres showing up.

Oh- shit, it is actually getting kind of late. Time really flew by. I should probably head back home too, check to see if Andre's alright or if he.. forgot or something.

yeah! actually, wait, hold on, can i see your phone? i just want to friend you on discord. so we can talk more often.

..Why don't you just write it down? My phone's kind of close to dying.

oh, yeah, that works.

there you go! ill talk to you again sometime! goodnight!

Mhm, night.